
Title: ASL
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: R
Word Count: 3,151
Summary: Arthur meets Merlin at a Pride parade, and they manage to overcome their language barrier.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Should You Choose to Accept It
Rating: PG-13 (mostly for swear words and adult concepts)
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Freya, Arthur/Sophia
Warning: Characters are underage, but nothing sordid happens. AU.
Summary: It started out as a little practice. Of course, at twelve years old, everything seemed that simple.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Learning Experiences (1/1)
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Arthur and Merlin put their free period to use in a manner the school board probably did not intend.
Notes: Although never explicitly stated, the boys are in the upper sixth, putting them at 17/18.
This is a slightly belated birthday present for the always lovely marguerite_26 who, as well as writing amazing fic and compiling fantastic and always reliable rec lists, it just a generally lovely person. Honey, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that you make my experience of fandom so much better. Happy birthday, you laaahvely thing, you!
Word Count: ~3000

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: I Keep Going Over the World We Knew (Over and Over)
Author: mellacita
Rating: R/NC-17
Wordcount: ~54,000, in 6 Chapters + Epilogue
Pairings: current and past Arthur/Merlin, a one-scene minor Merlin/OMC, plus vague allusions/implications of past Arthur/Gwen, Arthur/Gwen/Merlin, Merlin/Morgana, and Arthur/OMCs
Contains: modern-era reincarnation and immortality; flashbacks to happy and tragic canon-era events including Arthur's fall at Camlann; explicit sex; allusions to non-explicit canon-era kidnapping and violence.
Art Link: Cover art and playlist here by gblvr
Disclaimer: These characters are property of BBC Wales & Shine Unlimited. I neither claim ownership of the characters nor receive any profit from this work.
Summary: When Merlin Emrys is sent on a 'round-the-world assignment, he begins remembering a life of magic, dragons, and kings. To make matters worse, a strange woman starts stalking him along the way. And that's before he even meets Arthur Pendragon, whose answer to climate change is going to save the world. Because apparently just saving Britain won’t be enough this time around.

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, NC


Title: Killing Me Softly
Author: troygirl68
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: NC-17
Genre: PORN
Word Count: 2,200
Summary: Arthur is determined to get Merlin to make more noise when they have sex.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


Worth It
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Word count: ~ 1800
Rating: R
Warnings: (first-time fic, awkward sex)
Summary: “We'll never talk of this again.”
“I don't know,” Merlin says, aiming for a light, teasing tone and failing woefully. It sounds pleading rather than cheeky. “Can't we go back to the kissing? I really liked that part.”

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


Title: Knights of the Air
Author: riventhorn
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Length: 35,300 words
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, no profit is being made from this
Summary: It is the summer of 1940, and the Battle of Britain rages in the skies. As the Luftwaffe sends hundreds of bombers and fighters to prepare the way for an invasion, it is up to the pilots of the RAF to stop them.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: in good hands
Author: preromantics
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~1800
Summary: Wherein Merlin tries to hide an injury. Sometimes it's a good thing that Arthur doesn't pay as much attention as he should.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, для чайника!, Merlin, PG


Contrition, Penance, Respite, Relief, Return
Author: pepperlandgirl4
Fandoms: Merlin
Prompts: candelight sex, bedtime rituals, aromatherapy, massage-erotic, first holiday as a couple
Rating: R/NC-17

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, NC


Title: Easy when you don't know how
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3700
Summary: In which Arthur and Merlin paint their new house together, true feelings come out, and their house becomes a home.
Warning: Past minor character death.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Kitty!
Author: Ramtops_witch
Rating: PG
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin. Merlin Kitty/ The ladies of the court (non sexual. Pervert).
Summary: Due to a Spell Merlin is turned into a Cat Person.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, для чайника!, Merlin, PG


Title: High Tide
Fandom: Merlin BBC
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions of past attempted suicides (by nameless, faceless minor characters); past (minor) character death; underage (Merlin is 15, Arthur is 17)
Word Count: 5,254
Summary: Originally posted here at kinkme_merlin, in response to this prompt: Arthur/Merlin, AU, merman!Arthur. Merlin stumbles and falls down a cliff. A blonde "man" comes to his rescue.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Cause There's No Choice In The End
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Warnings: violence, mind control by magic
Spoilers: character spoilers up to 2x10
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~10.600
Summary: For Camelot, a hundred voices had echoed back at him at dawn, sending shivers down his spine and making his horse prance nervously in front of his army. (Future!AU, Arthur's first battle as King of Camelot.)

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, NC



Title: Smitten
Rating: R
Word Count: ~9000
Warnings/Spoilers: Other than intense OOCness, none.
Disclaimer: This is all made up, I own nothing.
Summary: AU; When Merlin, a demon, and Arthur, an angel, meet in Vegas and wake up married, all Hell breaks loose.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title Is Your Little Bottom Sore?
Author: marguerite_26
Summary: What that scene was actually about.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Spanking, vague spoilers for S3x01 and likely won't make sense unless you've seen this tiny clip.
Word Count: ~700

@темы: до 1k, для чайника!, Merlin, NC


Title: The Sleeping Prince
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~7300
Summary: Merlin has always loved reading fairytales. Then one day he wakes up and finds himself in one.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: The Three Laws
Author: Saucery
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: R for non-explicit sexuality. With robots. Yes, that means robosexuality. Deal.
Summary: Merlin is a recalcitrant and terribly incompetent robot. Arthur is his perpetually exasperated (but secretly adoring) master. Arthurian legend meets Asimov meets Harlequin in this tale of forbidden romance!

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, G


Title: it all ends in quiet
Author: itachitachi
Wordcount: ~750
Rating: R (sex, not graphic)
Summary: For kinkme_merlin, prompt: everyone in camelot suddenly vanishes and arthur and merlin are the only ones left. What it says on the tin. An empty Camelot is a bleak place.

@темы: до 1k, спец заказ, для чайника!, Merlin, NC


Title: Inevitable Reality
Author: solarbaby614
Rating: T
Disclaimer: All I own is the plot.
Words: 10,104 overall (3082 for this part alone).
Summary: Arthur’s a knight, Merlin’s a druid, Mordred is creepy (and seven) and Morgana takes it all in stride.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, PG