
Title: From Pratface
Author: ayane_tsurugi
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (with Gwen/Morgana)
Word Count: ~2600
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are the property of the Beeb, etc. I make no money from my efforts here; I’m just playing around.
Warnings: Language
Summary: Morgana's noticed something different about her stepbrother lately. When she meets a sad, skinny boy on the Tube deleting texts from a number labeled 'Pratface,' it starts making a lot more sense.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Masks Aside
Author: Anon
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.5k~
Summary/prompt: For ayane_tsurugi. Modern Office!AU (Arthur the businessman/head of the company stupidly in love with his long-suffering, snarky, also-stupidly in love PA--oh, how I love this trope) + Morgana's annual Samhain Celebration/Masquerade Ball. They arrive separately but leave together. How long before they recognize each other is up to the author. Humour, banter, pining boys, and a romantic ending is basically what I'm looking for here.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Three Castles
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It’s a perfectly wretched day in Camelot when Uther Pendragon announces Arthur’s betrothal.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Sounds in Silence, Stories in Signs
Rating: NC-17
Genre(s): romance
Word Count: ~2380
Pairing(s) / Character(s): Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Lance, Morgana, Morgause, Will
Warnings / Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin
Summary: In which Arthur is a heartbreaker in denial, Morgana is a latent alcoholic, and Merlin wasn't always deaf.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Gibraltar May Tumble
Author: Anon
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~25,000
Summary: Merlin's life in London is a bit of a mess: his career trapped somewhere between student and professional, his love life trapped in a relationship gone sour, and most days he feels physically trapped in the tiny, shared flat he can't afford to move out of—until an unexpected opportunity sends him packing for the coast. There, he meets someone who might be in a even worse fix than he is: Arthur, a Victorian-era sea captain who's trapped, a bit literally, between life and death, and who refuses to leave the house he died in over a hundred years ago.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Master Shot (The Longer Version).
Rating: nc-17
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, some incidental Gwaine/Merlin, hinted Gwaine/Elena, past Arthur/Sophia.
Word Count: 34,568
Spoilers: Character spoilers up to 3.6
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me; they are the property of the BBC and Shine. No profit is being made.
Summary: Arthur Pendragon and Merlin Emrys are actors who get cast in director's Jonathan Drake new film, a war drama that is being marketed as Pearl Harbor meets Brokeback. The only problem is that while they play lovers on screen, with plenty of steamy scenes serving as proof of their fictional feelings, in reality they dislike each other.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Serendipitous
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Merlin (Arthur/Sophia, Merlin/Will, Gwen/Lancelot), Leon, Morgana, Gaius, various others
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which there is love at first sight, give or take five minutes, Leon is the world’s best PA, the Slash Dragon is really bad at business meetings, more than one Arthur wears a red scarf, and Fate is a fickle bitch who breaks everything apart, but puts it back together even better in the end. Or, a fic loosely based on the movie Serendipity.
Warnings (if any): Clichés, clichés, clichés. Dubious representations of life in NYC. Language. Bad puns. Playful jabs at the sanity of fiction writers. Political incorrectness.
Total word count: 13,562

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Look Up and See the Stars
Author: riventhorn
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dub-con
Length: 2,406
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, no profit is being made from this
Summary: Rentboy!Arthur, Space Age AU, lots of angst

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Keep Me in the Dark
Author: riventhorn
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Blindfolding
Length: 1,311
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, no profit is being made from this
Summary: Arthur wants to see all of Merlin

@темы: от 1k до 5k, для чайника!, Merlin, NC


Title: (No One Has Found) How to Unring the Bell
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Merlin (pre-slash), Uther, Aredian
Rating: NC-17 for violence
Summary: Goes AU from the beginning of The Witchfinder. When Aredian tells Uther that Arthur’s manservant has magic, Uther becomes obsessed with harnessing the boy’s power to begin the Purge again. Once Aredian has Merlin under control, Uther chooses a small Druid settlement to test Merlin’s ability and Arthur’s loyalty.
Warnings (if any): References to rape and torture (offscreen), violence, character death
Total word count: 22,700

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Hunting Trip: 01 Men Behaving Chivalrously (or not)
Author: Harlequin
Universe: Merlin (early first season)
Characters featured: Merlin/Arthur
Category, Word count: Short story; 1891 words
Rating: PG13
Summary: Arthur’s old friends are being a bit obnoxious, but he has other options these days…

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, PG


Title: The Lee
Author: heavenlyxbodies
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG13 (see, I told ya, I can write fic that doesn’t involve sex or porn)
Word Count: @13k
Summary: …inexplicable as it was- Merlin didn’t get hurt. So turning to find his dark haired servant collapsed, unmoving on the ground with a hideously grinning man looming over him had sent foul shivers like he’d never known through Arthur’s body. (btw, I suck at summaries, hence the excerpt cheat, sorry)

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, PG


Title: Go With The Flow (Or Make Your Own)
Author: Anon
Rating: R
Word count: 12.5k
Warnings: Character death at the beginning, slight sexual content
Disclaimer: I own nothing in connection with BBC's Merlin and receive absolutely no money through this fanwork which is for entertainment purposes only.
Summary/prompt: It is inevitable that things will change. But some changes aren't as easy as others, as Merlin finds.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, NC


Title: Witching Hour
Author: Anon
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 4,850
Summary: Samhain has always been a boring time of year for Arthur. Merlin initiates him into some of its more enjoyable traditions – and they discover some new ones together.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


Title: Map Our Escape
Summary: Arthur feels tied down and unhappy with his life, so he throws a dart at a map--and ends up in Ealdor.
A/N: Title and beginning quote from "Street Lights" by The Bay State. From this prompt on kinkeme_merlin: Arthur's had enough and needs to get away from Uther, his bossy sister, his overbearing fiance/girlfried etc etc. So he literally sticks a pin in a map and sets his sat nav to the co-ordinates... Guess who lives in the very house in the little village he winds up in.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Sometimes We Gamble (The Poppy's Not the Only Way to Nowhere Remix)
Fandom: Merlin
Words: 10,110
Rating: R
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur
Notes: This was written for camelotremix. It is a remix of mellacita's fic: Some Of Us Look For the Way In Opium.
Summary: There are two truths you should know about Arthur Pendragon. He does not do drugs, and he does not gamble. One of these truths is a lie.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, NC


Title: Stop and Smell the Garlic
Fandom: Merlin
Wordcount: 2,536
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur
Summary: So Arthur's boyfriend is a little bit strange: he doesn't eat garlic, and doesn't go out in the sun. But Arthur would definitely have noticed if there was something supernatural going on, and Merlin is simply not competent enough to keep secrets. Right?

@темы: от 1k до 5k, для чайника!, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: You Can't Break That Which Isn't Yours
Author: thisissirius
Artist: gwentastic
Pairing: merlin/arthur, allusion to prince harry/arthur, lancelot/gwen
Rating: R
Word count: 26,069
Warnings/spoilers: swearing, kid!violence (meaning punching, biting, throwing staplers etc.) angst. nothing too hardcore
Summary: When Arthur is sent to Eton for further education, it seperates him from Merlin after years of close friendship. Anger, hurt and jealousy all threaten the last fragments of their friendship and it's all Merlin can do to cling to the remaning feelings they both share. Arthur's fledgling friendship with Prince Harry doesn't do either of them any favours and it battles a secret that Merlin has been carrying for years - a secret that only Arthur knows. Merlin must decide how far he is willing to go to protect his relationship with Arthur and if their friendship can be saved. Will Arthur even care enough to try?

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC



title: the boy least likely to
author: myfoolisheart & vestigiales
rating: pg-13 to r
pairing: merlin/arthur
disclaimer: 100% disclaimed.
notes: part of the arthur and merlin are stepbrothers verse.
summary: wherein there is a school dance and merlin whinges. also arthur tries his best to be as charming as possible.

@темы: до 1k, Merlin, AU, PG