Title: The Running Play Pairing: Arthur/Eames Rating: NC-17 WARNINGS: References to noncon, gay bashing, violence. Author's Note: The college football AU that nobody needed to see.
Title: The Big Secret Gay Love Affair Rating: R Disclaimer: I own nothing. Warnings/Spoilers: Modern AU so none. Word Count: ~12,000 Summary: The one where an incompetent sales assistant and his gorgeous manager have to hide their relationship from the world. Because Arthur’s an insecure prat sometimes. Cue the clichés.
Summary: When a simple extraction on Cobb goes haywire, Arthur loses a friend, gains an enemy, falls in love, and finds out exactly who he is -- give or take a new alias or two. In which Fischer is incepted, Cobb's secrets are property of the U.S. government, and Eames teaches Arthur that PVPing is an excellent life skill to have when you're accidentally becoming a bad ass dreamsharing motherfucker.
Title: Teenage Dream Recipient: onelittlesleep Author: Anon! Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Arthur/Merlin. Side pairings include: Lance/Gwen, Leon/Morgana, Gwaine/The World, Morgause/Morgana and Morgause/Freya. Word Count: 12,785ish. Warnings: Awkwardness, mild dirty talk, intoxication and suggestion of drug use (of the underage and sexy variety), marathon boy-sex, drastic cuteness, happily-ever-afters, mentions of STIs, sex and offensive language. Summary: "Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight."- Katy Perry
Title: In the Spaces Between Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: R Words: 16,100 Warnings: Major character death and minor character deaths aplenty (including a stillborn child); violence; the briefest allusion to rape; descriptions of self-harm; suicidal thoughts; angst; unhappily-ever-after Summary: Written for this prompt over at the kink meme: Arthur/Merlin, Merlin dies. Alternatively, Arthur is so stricken with grief that he goes on a mad quest looking for a sorcerer to bring Merlin back to life. When it finally happens, Merlin is horrified because it's truly impossible to just bring someone back to life like that and he's fairly certain he's some kind of half-dead abomination. Arthur doesn't care. Bonus points: This is how Merlin lives forever waiting for the Once and Future King!
Title: The Measure of a Man Word Count: 4,608 Pairing: Arthur/Eames Rating: R Warnings: May be triggering: pedophilia-disordered MC (Arthur), sympathetic portrayal of pedophilia, allusions to child sexual abuse, allusions to sex between an adult and a (forged) child, generally dark themes Summary: They’ve infiltrated people’s minds, stolen and lied and cheated, broken laws and rules and commandments. Arthur has killed people with that glock of his, when they were desperate enough. Eames has forgiven the blood on his hands and Arthur the blood on his and he’s always told himself that, no matter what was blown at them by the winds of chance, he’d have Arthur’s back. Disclaimer: Not mine. Author's Note: Fill for this prompt from the kink meme: "Eames starts to notice that he and Arthur's sex life always gets more passionate after a trip to Cobb's, and worries that Arthur has unrequited feelings for Cobb. That all changes when Eames sees Arthur interacting with the kids and realizes it's James, not Cobb, that interests Arthur. After Eames confronts him Arthur admits he's attracted to younger boys, but swears he never touches them. Eames wants to make sure it stays that way, so he offers to forge to Arthur's tastes in dreams."
Summary: When Mal leans into his office and asks Eames what he did to his back, he can't exactly say, "the new graphics intern," so he says, "Oh, just stress, love."
Summary: 821 A.D. Arthur is in the nightmare business. Eames is a thief, a liar, and versatile with a pen. Warnings: Rape, attempted rape, coercive sex, dubiously consensual sex, physical and emotional abuse, violence, sexual violence, and sexism.
Title: Though it may look like a disaster Author/Artist: swatkat24 Rating: R Character(s)/Pairing(s): Arthur/Merlin Word Count: 11,320 Summary: Merlin and Arthur are stranded on a deserted island. There's a lion, and some powerful magic.
Title: No Grand Gestures Author: Classlicity Fandom: Inception Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Eames, Ensemble Rating: NC-17 Summary: Seventeen year old Arthur meets fine arts grad-student Eames at a club one night. Angst ensues.
Title: Respira Fandom: Inception Pairing: Arthur/Eames, first time Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Explicit sex. Notes: The one where... Eames meets a really young and virginal Arthur on a job in Rome and decides to seduce him like Casanova, with art and flowers and candlelit dinners. But Arthur is not a toy and sexual relationships are not a game, and it's hard to tell who's falling for whom.
Summary: Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.
Notes: Written for this prompt: "Eames is a knight, and Arthur is a stable boy. Eames brings him little tokens from his quests and Arthur reverently removes his armor and lets Eames press him down sweetly into the hay" at inception_kink.