
Fruition (or The Education of Arthur) by spiny
NC-17 | One-shot | Summary: It was really all Sir Wynston's fault.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


Love me, and mend (Four Seasons in Camelot) by spiny
NC-17 | One-shot | Summary: none

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


The Horse and His (Co-star's) Boy by spiny
NC-17 | One-shot | Summary: none

@темы: от 1k до 5k, RPS, Merlin, NC


Title: Knowing and Nobility
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: There might possibly be a wee bit of an insult kink? It’s all very vague, though, and might also just be my imagination.
Length: ~6800
Summary: In which Merlin is oblivious, Arthur is nobly repressed, Gwen knows everything, and Morgana takes matters into her own hands.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, PG


Title: The Pendragon Guide to How Not to Date
Fandom: Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/Lancelot, sort of Arthur/Tristan, Morgana/Owain, Gwen/Lancelot; Arthur, Morgana, Uther, Owain, Merlin, Tristan, Lancelot, Gwen, Nimueh (but only sort of)
Summary: Modern day student AU. Still set in Britain. Morgana sends Arthur on some blind dates that don’t go quite according to plan

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: From Where I Stand You’re In My Sky
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur {past Merlin/Will, slight Arthur/Superman; it almost makes sense in context}
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 17,520
Genre: Slash
Copyright: Title is from Marys Of The Sea by Tori Amos.
Summary: AU. Arthur looks away from the terrified, accusing dark eyes of the man on the newspaper, and turns his attention to his breakfast.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Sweeter Dreams
Parts: 4
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 35,540
Warnings: occasional language, generally mild violence
Summary: Following a rather different ending to 2.10 ("Sweet Dreams"), Merlin and Arthur head to Olaf's kingdom of Valden to put things right. In the process, Merlin racks up an impressive series of treasonous crimes: insolence, incompetence, tripping while running for his life, and accusing the crown prince of snoring are only the beginning.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, PG


title: Promises, Promises (Don’t Send Me Back In 30 Days)
pairing: Frank/Gerard
rating: NC-17
words: 26,300
prompt: Stockholm Syndrome
warning: Strong non-con/dub-con scenes; potential squicks and triggers. Stockholm Syndrome; non-con/dub-con sex (oral and penetrative); Dominance/submission; bondage (handcuffs); forced cross-dressing/feminization; criminal activity; violence; blood/bruising; handwaving elements of the American justice system.
summary: “Sources on our investigative team say this was a bank robbery gone wrong, and that, when faced with a police task force surrounding the building, the suspect grabbed the nearest person and is now holding that young man at gunpoint as he makes his getaway.”

@темы: от 20k до 40k, AU, MCR, NC


title: Guilt
pairing: Frank/Gerard
rating: NC-17
words: 7300+
prompt: 373: Gerard is a priest. Frank is an altar boy. Frank lusts over the new priest. Gerard has to advise a rebellious teenager Frank. Frank comes on to Gerard, but Gerard is horrified over abusing any trust and recoils away from Frank even though he finds Frank really hot. But someone sees! and they think Gerard is a pervert. It comes out and Gerard leaves the priesthood. A couple years later Frank is totally legal and comes across Gerard who is a drunk because of what happened. Frank feels really guilty and vows to make Gerard's life good again.
warning: Catholic kink, hebephilia, major angst and pining, alcoholism.
summary: Frank has an obsession with Father Way.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, AU, MCR, NC


Title: The Student Prince
Author: FayJay
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin (and assorted others); includes numerous characters from the series and from Arthurian legend.
Wordcount: 150,000 words. (!!!)
Disclaimer: I did not invent these characters. (Of course, neither did the BBC.)
Summary: a Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, in which Arthur is still a handsome prince, and Merlin is still an inexperienced wizard, and history has a habit of repeating itself...

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: The Wrong Trouser-Leg of Time
Rating: R/NC-17
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Wordcount: ~12,000
Summary: For this prompt over at kinkme_merlin. Arthur thinks the space-time continuum is messing with him, but perhaps it's actually making things the way they're meant to be.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, NC


Past Imperfect
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None to speak of.
Notes: Thank you to lynnmonster for the beta, and rageprufrock for audiencing.
Summary: "You're being annoying, so no, I'd have to say this seems perfectly normal."

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


Title: Next Time, I Will Remember This And I Will Say 'No'
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8540
Genre: Slash
Timeline: Set in an imaginary future a few months down the line, slight spoilers for the first 3 episodes.
Summary: “Arthur wants you to pretend to be him so that he doesn’t have to get married to Princess Helena?”

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, PG


Title: Not Quite Mary Poppins
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The one where Merlin is a nanny, Arthur’s both a prat and a normal human being, Morgana schemes and Uther does relatively little.
Wordcount: 7,564

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Truth is a Whisper
Author: Seperis
Codes: Merlin, Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/other
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: post-season one
Summary: Words can also be mightier than the sword.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


Title: Two Weeks Notice
Author: Ras Elased
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~37,600
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, some Merlin/Will and Owain/Everyone

Summary: Arthur is a prattish Executive VP of the Pendragon Corporation with a disturbingly non-ironic love of Demotivational posters. Merlin is a tree-hugging barista with a "magic" tongue. Morgana's a peeping Tom and her breasts have superpowers. Gwen and Lancelot get married. Owain is the company bicycle. Arthur attempts to steal Merlin's affections from Will through epic DDR combat. Merlin gets drunk a lot. There is a pillow fight, and a helicopter ride, and rooftop confessions, and Arthur decides Merlin really is his destiny, whether he likes it or not.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Accidental Memory In The Case Of Death
Rating: mature (sex)
Length: 75,000 words
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Merlin (Anthony/Emory)
Warnings/Spoilers: none

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, NC


Title: The Truth Is You
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: R
Word count: 9000
Warning/Spoilers: light, barely-there porn
Summary: Arthur lies to a sorceress and gets slapped with a truth spell. Awkwardness ensues.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, NC


Title: Privileges of Rank
Author: Seperis
Codes: Merlin, Merlin/Arthur
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None specific, first season in general.
Summary: Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, NC


Title: Fame and Fortune
Writer: melusinahp
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: Eventual NC-17
Word Count: 4,650
Warnings: None
Summary: AU set in Los Angeles, California during the 1990's. Arthur is a movie star. Merlin is a waiter. The word "prat" is used.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, NC