Noises Arthur/Merlin Merlin/Other Merlin and Arthur are platonic flatmates and while Arthur is straight Merlin isn't and Arthur has gotten used to ignoring the noise from the other room when he's trying to sleep.
Title: Backdrifts Author: lisztful Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Disclaimer/Warnings: They don’t belong to me. Warning for dub con Summary: 10k. Merlin fears that Arthur has found out about his magic, but Arthur has his own secrets to keep.
Title: Techme!Merlin Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me. Summary: Modern AU. Merlin is a computer tech, Arthur is a closeted corporate type with a big ole' gay porn stash. Much staring at hands, awkwardness and eventual sex ensues. Author’s note: For the Merlin Kink meme 7 prompt, Arthur/Merlin, modern AU. Arthur's computer crashes, so he brings it to the shop to have it fixed. Merlin is the technician who discovers gigabytes worth of gay porn in Arthur's hard drive. Arthur denies ever downloading any of it. Merlin doesn't believe him. Bonus if there's a scene in which the boys end up watching some together, but Arthur is more interested in staring at Merlin.
Spoils of War Arthur/Merlin NC-17 Written for kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Uther periodically sends his knights to takeover bordering unprotected land. On one such outing, Arthur attacks Ealdor and claims Merlin for his piece of the loot.
Title: Dirty Epic (or, The Most Inappropriate Title For A Love Story, Ever). Characters: Merlin/Arthur, with guest appearances by the rest of the gang and a few other stragglers Author: troygirl68 Genre: Romance / Porn Rating: NC-17 (explicit sex) Word Count: ~ 18,500 Disclaimer: These characters are borrowed from the BBC. A/N: Originally posted on the kinkme_merlin post for the prompt: Modern AU, Merlin is Arthur’s booty call. In the end, it turned out that was only the beginning, and what ensued was a story of the power of true love. It never gets old, although this story does make mention, many times, of antiques.
let all the good men go Rating: R Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Fandom: Merlin Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, blood Disclaimer: Yeah, no. I own nothing.
A/N: For the Kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin, Merlin shot with an arrow. On a trip, in the middle of or after a battle, or just in the middle of the courtyard. It's up to the writer.
PAVLOV PENIS In which Merlin is hot for Arthur's bed, Arthur's hot for the laundry and there's this big fucking heatwave all over the place (?!) Merlin/Arthur, about 7000 words. R-ISH.
Walking Upright Rating: nc-17 Pairing: arthur/merlin Wordcount: 3,700 Written for kinkelot prompt “Hands”.
“How long until we know if Arthur's OK?” Merlin asked. “A couple of months at least,” Gaius replied sombrely. “Until then, you’ll have to be his hands.”
Title: This Fast, Unreasonable Spring Authors: hermette and i_claudia Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Arthur/OCs, past Merlin/OC Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 26,792 (in three parts) Warnings: modern AU, prostitution Summary: Merlin was looking for something uncomplicated. Arthur was just looking to get paid. Neither of them expected to find the other.
Title: Conversations with a sorceress Characters: Nimueh, Hunith, Merlin, Arthur Rating: G Genre: AU Warning: dark Word count: total 11,700 Spoilers: Not really. Takes place after Season 1 Episode 12 and before Episode 13 Summary: Nimueh has an agenda and it will take all her persuasive powers with Merlin to make them a reality. But Merlin is proving a little stubborn….And Arthur isn't helping.
Title: Diplomatic Immunity Author: archaeologist_d Warning: not fluffy, AU Characters: Merlin, Arthur, Geraint, Nimueh, Gaius Word count: ~75,000 Rating: PG-13, epilogue NC-17 Spoilers: none other than Season 1 Time frame: 4 years after Season 1, after episode 12. Episode 13 didn't happen. Summary: Merlin has come to Camelot to act as an envoy between the magic users and the new High King, Arthur Pendragon. Four years ago, Nimueh had twisted the truth, making Arthur think that Merlin was in league with her. That Arthur was unhappy to see Merlin again was an understatement. Notes: Sequel to Conversations with a sorceress
Title: Volcanoes Melt You Down Author: shesakicker Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Summary: A response to a kinkme prompt: Arthur/Merlin, Merlin doesn't realize his magic starts to affect Arthur whenever he fantasizes about him.
Title: More Lovely and More Temperate Author: Saucery Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Summary: Really, it was ridiculous to think that he couldn't handle a bit of drink, just because he was a woman. Arthur was getting sick and tired of attentive and semi-petrified knights trying to pry him away from his ale. He was Crown Prince, damn it - or Princess, for now - and he could celebrate his twenty-first birthday as he sodding well pleased.
"You're embarrassing yourself," hissed Merlin, after the good Sir Gawain caught himself staring down Arthur's bodice, went red in the face, and staggered away from the table like a man in fear for his sanity.
Author: zarah5 Title: Where the Pavement Ends Pairing: Merlin/Arthur (Gwen/Lancelot) Rating: R Summary: A modern day AU that delivers three well-worn tropes (university, strippers, businessmen) for the price of one. Consider this your warning.
>> When Merlin finished his A-levels, financing university by taking his clothes off didn’t exactly occur to him. <<
Title: Pieces of Us Author: dentedsky Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Summary: Morgana is pregnant and doesn't know who the father is, Gwen sleeps around with all the wrong men, Merlin meets Arthur and thinks he's a tool, Arthur is getting married to the wrong person (who knew!) and it is possible Arthur is, actually, a complete tool after all. Or: Wherein Morgana Hires Merlin to Pretend to be Her Boyfriend So Arthur Doesn't Find Out She's a Big, Big Slutty Person.
Title: Satiated Author: Riventhorn Rating: R Warnings/Spoilers: None Length: 1,244 words Pairings: Merlin/Arthur Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, no profit is being made from this Summary: Arthur tries to figure out how to please Merlin
A Question of Liberty Title: A Question of Liberty Author: riventhorn Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: None Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Lance, Morgana/Leon Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, no profit is being made from this Summary: Written for the kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin colonial America AU. Set during the Revolutionary War. Merlin is an indentured servant who arrives in America in 1774 and is quickly swept up in the coming Revolution.
Title: An Unshakeable Desire Author: riventhorn Rating: NC-17 Warnings: dub-con, some non-con and violence Length: 11,945 words Pairings: Arthur/Merlin Summary: Arthur meets a boy in the rain. A dirty, poor, insolent peasant. A common whore. But Arthur can't stop thinking about him... Written for this kinkme_merlin prompt that requested a hooker!Merlin fic set in Camelot.
Title: Leashed Author: riventhorn Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Slavery, torture, mind control, bondage Pairings: Arthur/Merlin Summary: Written for the kinkme_merlin prompt (here): In the fashion described regarding the treatment of Damane ( in The Wheel of Time, rather than killing all sorcerers, Uther has a select few "leashed" and enslaved to the service of his armies. Merlin is leashed and Arthur is his master.