
Title: Pratface and the Princess
Movie Prompt: Drop Dead Fred written for reel_merlin Round 2
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, past Merlin/Will, mentions of Will/Nimeuh and possibly Uther/Gaius if you squint really hard
Rating: R?
Word Count: 11 373
Disclaimer: Merlin belongs to Shine and the BBC and Drop Dead Fred belongs to... IDEK, someone other than me
Summary: After a recent breakup, Merlin reluctantly moves back into his childhood home where he is besieged by someone he thought he had left behind a long time ago: an annoying and destructive imaginary friend.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: What We Have (and What We Have Left)
Author: morcalivan
Challenge: Written for the paperlegends
Fandom: BBC's Merlin
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 30 370
Warnings: Character death (but only the bad guys), violence (no worse than seen on the show), sexytimes (definitely not seen on the show, to my endless disappointment)
Summary: Camelot era/season 1 AU in which Merlin is raised by Nimueh and sent to Camelot to kill the prince. Merlin, unfortunately, is very bad at sticking to the plan.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: The Wheel's Always Turning
Author: lycoris
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen, Morgana, Gaius, Uther, Leon, plus pretty much everyone who appeared in Season One. Also contains Arthur/Others and off-screen Merlin/Will.
Rating: Light R
Word Count: 67, 094 words
Warnings: Non-graphic prostitution. About the same level of violence you get from Season One. Character death.
Summary: Merlin arrives at Camelot to start his new life working for Gaius. First he meets Arthur, then he meets a dragon who tells him that it is Arthur's destiny to become the Once and Future King of All Albion. The only problem is that Arthur is only a servant and Camelot already has a Crown Prince ...

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: The Apple Grove
Author: piscaria
Artist: yue_ix
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, with a small side of Arthur/Gwen and Gwen/Lancelot
Rating: 49,056
Word count: NC-17
Warnings/spoilers: Graphic depiction of violence within the context of medieval fantasy warfare.
Summary: After saving Arthur from Morgause in a very public display of magic, Merlin must flee into the forest to avoid Uther's men. Living apart from civilization, Merlin loses his mind to the wild magic that teaches him how to survive on his own. A year later, rumours of a magical wild man finally reach Camelot. Arthur convinces his father to let him lead the small troop of knights responsible for hunting down and killing Merlin. Torn between his duty to Camelot and his feelings for Merlin, Arthur must somehow draw Merlin back from the wild magic. However, he must hurry, for Morgana has seen Merlin's hiding place in her visions, and she and Morgause are eager to seek revenge.

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, NC


Title: Pianos are Made for Falling
Author: fishwrites
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: M (see warnings)
Warnings: Descriptions of terminal illness, a little violence.(highlight to read)
Total Wordcount: 10,3900
Summary: Inspired by Nodame Cantabile. Arthur is a world class violinist, trapped in Sydney, Australia, by his fear of flying. In the wake of a mediocre concert, vicious critics and with barely a month to go before his next (hopefully reputation-saving) recital, Arthur is almost at breaking point. When his accompanist, Morgana, breaks her wrist in a car accident, Arthur is more or less doomed. And the story begins, when the Maestro at the conservatoire, Gaius Stresemann, recommends his protege Merlin Emrys to step in. Merlin, who plays by ear, as he pleases and really just wants to be a kindergarten teacher.

Well. The story really starts six months previously when Arthur passes out drunk outside Merlin's shoe-box apartment.

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Timshel
Rating: PG-13 for sexual content and language
Word Count: 34,435
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin (Gwen/Lance, Morgana, Leon, Uther)
Warnings: None
Summary: Merlin is definitely supposed to work for Arthur, but spends most of his time mocking Arthur's dress sense, berating him via IM with Morgana, sending Gwen capslock-filled emails about him and, most of all, trying not to fall in love with the shiny-shoed ponce. Arthur, meanwhile, is definitely supposed to be taking over his father's company some day, but instead spends most of his time scowling at Merlin, making lists about him, trying to find excuses to fire him and, most of all, trying to pretend he is totally not head-over-heels for the jumped up little upstart. Someone's got to make some difficult choices eventually, and this can only lead to one thing: angst. Or hilarity. Or, embarrassingly enough, self-discovery.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Not In This Land Alone
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Will, Gwen/Lancelot
Rating: R
Words: 37,800
Warnings: mild violence, depictions of terrorism

Summary: Modern AU. When Merlin Emrys gets a summer job at Buckingham Palace, he doesn't expect to even meet King Arthur, let alone become involved in protecting him from a plot to overthrow the monarchy.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: The Prince's New Clothes aka The Camelot Job
Fandom: Merlin/Leverage
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, guest appearances by the Leverage team
Rating: R
Word count: 6,265 words
Notes: Thanks to sparky77 for the super speedy beta. Based on a fable. The story requires a working knowledge of Merlin canon, but no knowledge of Leverage.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, NC


Title: The Tournament of All Magicks
Author: Cori Lannam (corilannam)
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, Gaius, Morgause
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 41,321
Warnings/Spoilers: Highlight to read: Contains an element of sexual assault. If you need more details to know whether you can safely read, please PM or email me! Spoilers for all of S1 and S2, and some of my own speculation of what might happen in S3 based on the rumors (but no specific spoilers).
Summary: Merlin is invited to compete in a tournament of magic. Sure, he'd like to become the champion of all Albion, but first he has to get past giant creatures, a seductive sorceress, and the crown prince of Camelot.

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, NC


Title: Anyone Can Tell (you think you know me well)
Author: shes_gone
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,500
Summary: This kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur and Merlin have a casual sex-only relationship per Arthur’s request. But, once Merlin breaks it off to pursue something more meaningful, Arthur realizes that he has fallen in love with Merlin. So my summary goes something like: Arthur is a dumbass, but gets a little better by the end. Rinse and repeat.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, NC


Title: Home is home, though it be homely
Author: nyargles
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Lancelot, minor hint of Morgana/Leon, mentions of other characters
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 20k
Warnings: Mentions of drug abuse, buckets of angst
Summary: We follow Merlin's journey as he turns homeless for a while after a bad flatmate experience. After a while of camping out with various friends, he eventually ends up living with Morgana and her housemates. Featuring pimp!Arthur, stripper!Morgana, addict!Gwen and dealer!Lancelot. How does normal average Merlin even start trying to fit in here?

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Overboard
Author: shiny_starlight
Movie Prompt: Overboard
Word Count: 36,000
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Sophia, Past Merlin/Will
Rating Mostly R for swearing, plus one really NC-17 scene.

Summary: When single father Merlin Emerson discovers that the man who denied him thousands of dollars that was his due has gotten amnesia, he seizes his chance for revenge by pretending to be his husband. The joke is on him though when he realises that Arthur Pennington is possibly even more wonderful that he ever could have imagined...

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Finding Home
Author: riventhorn
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Length: 7,880 words
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, no profit is being made from this
Summary: Written for this kinkme_merlin prompt: When Gaius retires, a new physician takes over, one that quickly kicks Merlin out of his room and takes it for himself, Arthur finds Merlin sleeping in the stables..and it's winter.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, NC


Title: This is Why (the Dictionary Invented the Word No)
Author: morcalivan
Challenge: Written for the au_bigbang
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (too many secondary / mentioned in passing pairings to you know, mention)
Rating: R
Word Count: 22 286
Warnings: Self indulgent fluff. Every romance movie cliché in existence
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Merlin characters belong to BBC and Shine
Summary: In order to win back the affections of an ex, Arthur has gotten himself caught up in a bet to transform the socially awkward into the socially acceptable. Features evil!Sophia, clueless!Merlin, hippy!Hunith and bit-of-a-tart!Will (in short: the highschool!AU that steals the plot from the She's All That movie)

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC


TITLE: Puppy-dog Persistance
PAIRING: Merlin/Arthur
WORDS: Overall 12,000 (*face palm*)
GENRE: Modern AU, romance, slash
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.
SUMMARY: When Arthur finds out that his one-night stand is only 17 years old, he does everything in his power to forget about it. But unfortunately, Merlin has other ideas, and just will not leave him alone.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Coming Of Age
Author: destiny_fic
Pairing Merlin/Arthur, with a little bit of Merlin/OCs, and Arthur/OCs thrown in for drama
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 18448 for the whole fic
Spoilers: 1x01 - 1x09, it's AU from there
Summary: "An orgy. The celebrations for Arthur's 21st birthday were a three-day orgy." So yeah, lots of sex...though I'll be honest, and the orgy part is pretty limited, it's mostly just Merlin/Arthur. This is ridiculously sappy porn. I am a sap, I'll admit it...but that'll be pretty easy to see once you've read through this.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, NC


minor adjustments
For the kinkme_merlin prompt: Arthur/Merlin, AU.
Merlin tests new products for a sex toy company. Arthur is the head designer. It is his job to observe these tests, ask questions and take notes. It's all very professional and clinical, until Arthur gets hard during a session.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, Merlin, AU, NC


Title: Tristan & Isolde
Author: Anna
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (slight Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Lancelot, Tristan/Isolde)
Rating: R
Fandom: Merlin
Wordcount: ~17,000
Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with the BBC’s Merlin.
Summary: When King Mark, Queen Isolde and the knight Tristan come to Camelot, Arthur learns what true love really means.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, NC


Title 8x12x8
Rating PG-13
Genre Angst, Dark, Romance, H/C
Summary When Arthur was small his Majesty locked him away because Arthur is a monster. Now Merlin wants to let Arthur out to prove that he is not.
Prompt Arthur/Merlin, imprisonment AU. Uther blamed Arthur for Igraine's death but couldn't bring himself to kill him. Instead he keeps him locked up because Arthur looks just like Igraine and he can't bare to look at him. Uther remarries and has other kids so the heir issue isn't a problem. Merlin comes to Camelot and he accidently comes across the place where Arthur is locked away. They talk through the door and eventually end up falling for each other. Probably sounds cheesy but I'm actually picturing it quite dark and angsty.

@темы: Merlin, AU, PG


Title: Master And Slave
Fandom: Merlin bbc
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, some Merlin/Lancelot
Rating: M
Disclaimer: Don't own
Summary: When at war with Camelot, Mercia captures a large quantity Camelot's knights to keep hostage. As a reward, King Bayard gives Merlin, his Grand Court Sorcerer, a sex slave as a gift in the form of one of the captured knights, a beautiful, difficult young boy named Arthur.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, NC