Title: Under the Tuscan Sun
Author: lisztful
Movie Prompt: Under the Tuscan Sun!
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Morgana, Arthur/Lancelot
Rating: nc-17
Word Count: 18,500
Summary: When Arthur loses his home to his cheating husband, the last place he expects to find another is on a lesbian tour of Tuscany. That's not all he finds, either. Complete with lessons learned the hard way, well-adusted friends, gelato, true love, and maybe just a little bit of destiny.

Title: Should You Choose to Accept It
Rating: PG-13 (mostly for swear words and adult concepts)
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Freya, Arthur/Sophia
Warning: Characters are underage, but nothing sordid happens. AU.
Summary: It started out as a little practice. Of course, at twelve years old, everything seemed that simple.

Title: Lions and Pebbles and Penguins, Oh my!
WARNINGS: animal attack
Word Count:10,306
Summary: Sitting at the top of "Uther's All Time Parenting Backfires" is Arthur's fellow colleague and clumsy best friend - Merlin Emrys. Written for the kink_me prompt of: Arthur and Merlin as penguins, based on this article w/c is basically about 2 male penguins who paired off and raised an egg successfully. original post here

Title: Numbers And Figures
Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Hunith, Gwen, Will, Uther, Morgana & OFC
Author: troygirl68
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 26,000
Warnings: physical abuse
Summary: From a kinkme_merlin prompt, Arthur/Merlin, Modern AU, Uther is violent at home and Arthur has to hide the bruises in school. New pupil Merlin sees through his popular bullshit at once and discovers the truth. Link here.

Title: Not an Act, But a Habit
Author: mellacita
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~18,000
Warnings: Modern AU. Teenaged (but legal!) Merlin, non-explicit or passing mentions of drug use, prostitution, trafficking, self-harm and abuse in the context of homeless and/or runaway youth.
Summary: Inspired by the kinkme_merlin prompt here. Arthur is a spoiled university student. After one transgression too many, Arthur's father makes him spend a night at a hostel for homeless youth to give him a reality check. While there, he meets a tough-talking kid who is more than he seems. In spite of themselves, they become inseparable.

Title: The One Where Merlin Dances Ballet
Characters: Arthur, Merlin, Morgana (Arthur/Merlin)
Genre: fluff, romance, modern au
Rating: NC-17 / explicit (sex, language)
Wordcount: ~11500 complete (split across 2 posts because of size limit)
Summary: Arthur wanted to spit the coffee out and say something wonderful and perfect like people in romantic movies said, all deep and shit, but he was Arthur and he was awkward when it came to emotions, and so he just ended up with the rather unpleasant feeling of coffee trying to back its way up into his nose.

Title: Love, Toast, and Post-It Notes
Author: themadlurker
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Merlin/Arthur (Gwen/Lancelot)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 6644
Summary: It was love at first sight, and Merlin knew it - when it came to the flat, that was. Merlin wasn't anything like as clear about the man he was going to have to live with.

Title: Lord Drake's Bequest
Author: pennyplainknits
Rating: R
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Summary: "To my great-nephew Arthur I bequeath Tintagel Distribution, wholly and without reserve, save for one condition. You must marry, and stay married, for a period of no less than six months. You're a wonderful businessman Arthur, but a full life needs love and companionship, not just a string of affairs. Settle down young Arthur, and your life will be the richer for it."
. Arthur needs to marry to take control of Tintagel Distribution. Fortunatly he knows the right man for the job.