Title Vicious (The Doubledutch Remix)
Summary Merlin was, clearly, the best Merlin ever. And thus needed the best Arthur ever so they could match.
Genre Dark, Smut, Kink
Rating NC-17
Prompt Arthur/Merlin, feral!Merlin. Under some sort of spell Merlin becomes like a feral creature. Like any creature, he wants sex but he's only attracted to magical beings. He comes across Arthur and because Arthur was conceived from magic, Merlin identifies him as his prey and proceeds to hunt. Dub-con ensues.

Title Live To Serve (Falling Into The Sky Backwards Remix)
Summary Arthur gets a carnal slave, wants to be honorable, but said carnal slave is having none of that noise. None of it.
Kinkme prompt: Arthur/Merlin. Merlin is a castrate sex-slave given to his son by Uther.
Rating NC-17
Genre Smut, Angst, Fluff, Kink