Title: The House On Castleview Road
Author: troygirl68
Pairings/characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Morgana, Leon/OFC, Uther
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 34,500
Warnings: Modern AU, not a lot of plot, quite a lot of pining. Arthur drinks endless cups of tea, Merlin loses a shoe and there's true love of the sweet and cheesy variety.
Summary: Arthur is a handsome and eligible bachelor with a well paid job in the City and a luxury penthouse flat in Canary Wharf. His life is the stuff of dreams ... Just not his. After his sister gets a lodger it seems that Arthur's life has taken an even bigger turn for the worse. Until, of course, he falls in love. Unfortunately, the path to true love is never smooth, and sometimes requires reckless driving, illegal parking and chasing after trains.
| понедельник, 20 сентября 2010