Title: Burning for Burning
Author: frantic_allonsy
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, background Gwen/Lancelot
Word Count: 13,903
Summary: From this kink meme prompt:

Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Other, Other/Other
Merlin finds out that his boyfriend(Other) is cheating on him. So he goes to his best friend Arthur for some advice on how to confront the cheating boyfriend. Arthur, who has secretly been in love with Merlin for years, decides to take advantage of this glorious opportunity. Arthur tells Merlin that he should let the boyfriend catch him cheating too. Merlin doesn't want to have sex with someone he doesn't care about, Arthur knows this of course so he carefully suggests that he would be more than willing to participate and have sex with Merlin! (What else are friends for?) Merlin is a little shocked at first, but agrees as long as Arthur promises their friendship doesn't become awkward. Arthur agrees because he's just wanted this for so long, he would do any thing to make it happen. Also Arthur suggests that they should at least 'practice' a few times so when the boyfriend 'catches' them it will seem like a natural thing to them. I would love to see their friendship develop into a very intimate romantic relationship through the means of hot revenge sex And Arthur/Merlin happy ending!