Title: The Play's the Thing (or, The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks)
Author: Shinybug
Rating: R
Word Count: (5,000 ish)
Genre: First Time, Humor
Summary: Arthur had to spare a thought to be impressed at how many slanderous and untrue things Merlin had managed to insert into such a brief statement: that Arthur liked to drink, and that when he did drink too much he had a tendency to inflict bodily harm upon his manservant, either in the form of beatings and/or possibly sodomy, and that chambermaids were more or less involved in these indiscretions.
Author: Shinybug
Rating: R
Word Count: (5,000 ish)
Genre: First Time, Humor
Summary: Arthur had to spare a thought to be impressed at how many slanderous and untrue things Merlin had managed to insert into such a brief statement: that Arthur liked to drink, and that when he did drink too much he had a tendency to inflict bodily harm upon his manservant, either in the form of beatings and/or possibly sodomy, and that chambermaids were more or less involved in these indiscretions.