Title: The Student Prince
Author: FayJay
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin (and assorted others); includes numerous characters from the series and from Arthurian legend.
Wordcount: 150,000 words. (!!!)
Disclaimer: I did not invent these characters. (Of course, neither did the BBC.)
Summary: a Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, in which Arthur is still a handsome prince, and Merlin is still an inexperienced wizard, and history has a habit of repeating itself...
Author: FayJay
Rating: NC17
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin (and assorted others); includes numerous characters from the series and from Arthurian legend.
Wordcount: 150,000 words. (!!!)
Disclaimer: I did not invent these characters. (Of course, neither did the BBC.)
Summary: a Modern day Merlin AU set at the University of St Andrews, in which Arthur is still a handsome prince, and Merlin is still an inexperienced wizard, and history has a habit of repeating itself...