Title: Techme!Merlin
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me.
Summary: Modern AU. Merlin is a computer tech, Arthur is a closeted corporate type with a big ole' gay porn stash. Much staring at hands, awkwardness and eventual sex ensues.
Author’s note: For the Merlin Kink meme 7 prompt, Arthur/Merlin, modern AU. Arthur's computer crashes, so he brings it to the shop to have it fixed. Merlin is the technician who discovers gigabytes worth of gay porn in Arthur's hard drive. Arthur denies ever downloading any of it. Merlin doesn't believe him. Bonus if there's a scene in which the boys end up watching some together, but Arthur is more interested in staring at Merlin.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me.
Summary: Modern AU. Merlin is a computer tech, Arthur is a closeted corporate type with a big ole' gay porn stash. Much staring at hands, awkwardness and eventual sex ensues.
Author’s note: For the Merlin Kink meme 7 prompt, Arthur/Merlin, modern AU. Arthur's computer crashes, so he brings it to the shop to have it fixed. Merlin is the technician who discovers gigabytes worth of gay porn in Arthur's hard drive. Arthur denies ever downloading any of it. Merlin doesn't believe him. Bonus if there's a scene in which the boys end up watching some together, but Arthur is more interested in staring at Merlin.