Title 8x12x8
Rating PG-13
Genre Angst, Dark, Romance, H/C
Summary When Arthur was small his Majesty locked him away because Arthur is a monster. Now Merlin wants to let Arthur out to prove that he is not.
Prompt Arthur/Merlin, imprisonment AU. Uther blamed Arthur for Igraine's death but couldn't bring himself to kill him. Instead he keeps him locked up because Arthur looks just like Igraine and he can't bare to look at him. Uther remarries and has other kids so the heir issue isn't a problem. Merlin comes to Camelot and he accidently comes across the place where Arthur is locked away. They talk through the door and eventually end up falling for each other. Probably sounds cheesy but I'm actually picturing it quite dark and angsty.

@темы: Merlin, AU, PG