Title: Tristan & Isolde
Author: Anna
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (slight Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Lancelot, Tristan/Isolde)
Rating: R
Fandom: Merlin
Wordcount: ~17,000
Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with the BBC’s Merlin.
Summary: When King Mark, Queen Isolde and the knight Tristan come to Camelot, Arthur learns what true love really means.
Author: Anna
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (slight Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Lancelot, Tristan/Isolde)
Rating: R
Fandom: Merlin
Wordcount: ~17,000
Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with the BBC’s Merlin.
Summary: When King Mark, Queen Isolde and the knight Tristan come to Camelot, Arthur learns what true love really means.