Title: This is Why (the Dictionary Invented the Word No)
Author: morcalivan
Challenge: Written for the au_bigbang
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (too many secondary / mentioned in passing pairings to you know, mention)
Rating: R
Word Count: 22 286
Warnings: Self indulgent fluff. Every romance movie cliché in existence
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Merlin characters belong to BBC and Shine
Summary: In order to win back the affections of an ex, Arthur has gotten himself caught up in a bet to transform the socially awkward into the socially acceptable. Features evil!Sophia, clueless!Merlin, hippy!Hunith and bit-of-a-tart!Will (in short: the highschool!AU that steals the plot from the She's All That movie)

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC