Title: The Wheel's Always Turning
Author: lycoris
Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen, Morgana, Gaius, Uther, Leon, plus pretty much everyone who appeared in Season One. Also contains Arthur/Others and off-screen Merlin/Will.
Rating: Light R
Word Count: 67, 094 words
Warnings: Non-graphic prostitution. About the same level of violence you get from Season One. Character death.
Summary: Merlin arrives at Camelot to start his new life working for Gaius. First he meets Arthur, then he meets a dragon who tells him that it is Arthur's destiny to become the Once and Future King of All Albion. The only problem is that Arthur is only a servant and Camelot already has a Crown Prince ...

@темы: более 40k, Merlin, AU, NC