Title: Anything you can do
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin (Arthur/Others, Merlin/Others)
Rating: NC17/Adult
Word Count: 6,600 approx
Spoilers: Nope
Warning: Explicit M/M sex, also het sex, threesome, eavesdropping

Written for the kinkme_merlin prompt here: Modern University AU...Merlin and Arthur are dorm room neighbors (they have rooms next to each other). Having a reputation for being somewhat of a player, Arthur hooks up with various people often and has really loud sex while Merlin’s trying to study/sleep. Annoyed, Merlin retaliates by bringing his boyfriend/hook-up buddy over and being as loud as possible—complete with exaggerated screaming, headboard-banging, and things thrown against the wall between the boys’ rooms. Cue the boys attempting to one up each other, much to the chagrin of the other people in the dorm. And, of course, the increasing tension between the two leads to incredibly hot sex.

@темы: от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, NC