Title: Dear Arthur
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: pg-13
Word Count: 14518
Spoilers/Warnings: None/ mentions of children being in love/kissing, maybe some words
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me, they belong to the BBC. I don't make any money out of writing this. The lyrics I use belong to Death Cab for Cutie.
Summary: Fill for this prompt on the kinkmeme:
Arthur, Merlin and Morgana are childhood friends. While Arthur has always been attracted to Morgana, he is completely unaware of Merlin's feelings for him. Arthur's father Uther decides to move to New York with his family to take up a new job, so Arthur has to go away from his friends.
He makes Morgana promise to write to him via e-mail. But Morgana soon becomes occupied with other things, so it's the loyal Merlin who writes to Arthur; but he always signs with Morgana's name to help Morgana keep her promise. Arthur and Merlin have many things in common, and their e-mails bring them very close to each other. 10 years later, Arthur returns to London for a short vacation. By now, he's in love with "Morgana" (aka Merlin).
When the three of them finally meet, Arthur is completely besotted with Morgana, who is as vivacious as ever. However, during the two weeks of his vacation, he cannot help but notice that the real Morgana is completely different compared to the Morgana he knew from the e-mails. He also starts to like Merlin, without realising that he is the one he is really in love with.
Arthur returns to New York, where Merlin coincidentally arrives for an interview ( New York University ), and there he discovers that it was Merlin who wrote all the e-mails.

@темы: от 10k до 20k, Merlin, AU, PG