Title: Clothes make the man, and I want to make you mine
Author: Merle
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Puck/Kurt, mention of one-sided Kurt/a lot of people
Word Count: 1880
Spoilers: Mostly for 1.15
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to FOX. Kurt belongs to Puck. At least, that's what Puck wants to believe.
Warnings: Language, slightly crack-ish
Summary: “I was kind of hoping that I'd just ended up in a parallel universe where the geeks are the bad guys. Because at least, that would explain why all the jocks are suddenly behaving so horrifyingly nice!”
Author: Merle
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Puck/Kurt, mention of one-sided Kurt/a lot of people
Word Count: 1880
Spoilers: Mostly for 1.15
Disclaimer: Glee belongs to FOX. Kurt belongs to Puck. At least, that's what Puck wants to believe.
Warnings: Language, slightly crack-ish
Summary: “I was kind of hoping that I'd just ended up in a parallel universe where the geeks are the bad guys. Because at least, that would explain why all the jocks are suddenly behaving so horrifyingly nice!”