Title: Drawing Straws
Fandom: Merlin
Characters: Arthur/Gwaine, Merlin (perving on Arthur and Gwaine), brief Gwen/Lancelot
Rating: R
Warnings/Tags: underage (17+), voyeurism, handjob, wanking, modern au, high school, humor
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Words: 2,400
Summary: Someone is fucking in the locker room. Merlin realizes he’s having one of those life-changing moments.

Title: Chivalrous or Whatever
Fandom: Merlin
Characters: Arthur/Merlin (mention of Arthur/Gwaine)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Tags: underage (17+), modern au, high school, smut, humor, some angst, mentions of homophobia
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Words: 7,000
Summary: Merlin writes a really shitty article. Arthur goes to homecoming with Sophia. Waffles fix everything.

Title: A New System
Fandom: Merlin
Characters: Arthur/Merlin (mention of Arthur/Gwaine)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Tags: underage (17+), modern au, high school, smut, humor, some angst, mentions of homophobia, unsafe oral sex
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
Words: 4,800
Summary: In which there are actually waffles, not actually any zombies, and definitely some dirty clothes. And blowjobs.

@темы: от 1k до 5k, от 5k до 10k, Merlin, AU, NC