title: discovery
fandom: Inception
pairing: Arthur/Eames
rating: NC-17.
wordcount: ~14,000 words.
summary: Written for this prompt over at the inception kink meme "Arthur goes to a bar with his friends to celebrate getting hired at a new job. He meets Eames, who is tattooed and unshaven, sporting a leather jacket and generally rough-looking. It's lust at first sight, because he's everything Arthur's attracted to but won't let himself have, and Arthur is giddy and low on inhibitions.
They have an incredibly hot night, and Arthur does the walk of shame in the morning, swearing he'll never do it again even as he's shivering with memories. Eames is hot, but obviously a dumb thug, not up to Arthur's standards. But when Arthur shows up to work on Monday morning, Eames is his gorgeously-suited, suddenly erudite and brilliant boss. But Eames doesn't seem to remember him!". Lawyer AU.

@темы: Inception, от 10k до 20k, AU, NC