Title: It Was Not Your Fault, But Mine (And It Was Your Heart On The Line)
Author: acquiescence_
Artist: madnessisreal
Word Count: ~ 22,000
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Based on Haruki Murakami's Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World.
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, appearances by Dom Cobb, Mal Cobb, Ariadne, Yusuf, Saito, and OCs
Summary: After the Fischer job, Saito keeps most of the team under his employ should he ever have need of their services again. One of those times arrives and Arthur takes the lead on their second inception job - it ought to be simple and straight forward. However, things are rarely ever so simple when Eames is involved. Arthur has to deal with the past, and his own fears for the future, all while making sure the job goes smoothly, but Eames doesn't make things easy on him - no matter how much Arthur wishes he would.

This is the story of Arthur and the many times he wanted to kill Eames, a librarian and the historian who becomes infatuated with him, Rio, and town histories that make no sense, and Mal.

@темы: Inception, от 20k до 40k, NC