
Title: The New Doctor.
Rating: NC-17.
Pairing:Merlin/Arthur, a hint of Gwen/Morgana, Sophia/Arthur.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 27, 283.
Spoilers: Not as such, but there are characters from series 1.
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me; they are the property of the BBC and Shine. No profit made.
Summary: Luddite AU. Nottingham, 1812. Arthur Pendragon is the son of the richest Mill-Owner in town and a little bit of a spoilt prat. He has to face unrest among the workers, his father's unrelenting attitude towards them, which he knows might cause trouble since the Luddite movement has made itself heard, and his inexplicable interest in young Doctor Emrys.

@темы: от 20k до 40k, Merlin, AU, NC

19.02.2011 в 19:28

Cчастье — это, когда в доме, в постели и в голове, один и тот же человек
ооо счастье! наконец-то по Мерлину!!!!:ura:
20.02.2011 в 12:52

дааа, Мерлин вернулся, только в основном аушный мерлин...
20.02.2011 в 15:42

Cчастье — это, когда в доме, в постели и в голове, один и тот же человек
Minimum это очень хорошо!!!

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