Revenge Leads To Murder by anon; Comment Fic on kinkme_merlin; 32c Parts; NC-17; Violence, stalking, kidnapping Prompt: Merlin Emrys is a rookie cop who is teamed up with the more experienced Arthur Pendragon.
Title: A New Low Words: 15000 Pairing: Arthur/ Merlin, background Gwen/Morgana Disclaimer: This is written purely for entertainment, and I am aware that I do not own the BBC's version of these characters. Summary: Written for this prompt at kinkme_merlin, which asked for diabetic!Merlin stuck in a lift with Arthur. It grew from there.
Merlin doesn’t like being seen next to Arthur because he thinks he will make Arthur look bad. He will not allow Arthur to see him naked because he is ashamed of his body (maybe he compares himself to Arthur’s former lovers) and he never initiates any physical contact. He is afraid Arthur will leave him as soon as someone better comes along and going out together is a chore for Merlin who doesn’t like being amongst people who he thinks looks down on him.
Title: The New Doctor. Rating: NC-17. Pairing:Merlin/Arthur, a hint of Gwen/Morgana, Sophia/Arthur. Warnings: None. Word Count: 27, 283. Spoilers: Not as such, but there are characters from series 1. Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me; they are the property of the BBC and Shine. No profit made. Summary: Luddite AU. Nottingham, 1812. Arthur Pendragon is the son of the richest Mill-Owner in town and a little bit of a spoilt prat. He has to face unrest among the workers, his father's unrelenting attitude towards them, which he knows might cause trouble since the Luddite movement has made itself heard, and his inexplicable interest in young Doctor Emrys.
Title: It Was Not Your Fault, But Mine (And It Was Your Heart On The Line) Author: acquiescence_ Artist: madnessisreal Word Count: ~ 22,000 Rating: NC-17 Notes: Based on Haruki Murakami's Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, appearances by Dom Cobb, Mal Cobb, Ariadne, Yusuf, Saito, and OCs Summary: After the Fischer job, Saito keeps most of the team under his employ should he ever have need of their services again. One of those times arrives and Arthur takes the lead on their second inception job - it ought to be simple and straight forward. However, things are rarely ever so simple when Eames is involved. Arthur has to deal with the past, and his own fears for the future, all while making sure the job goes smoothly, but Eames doesn't make things easy on him - no matter how much Arthur wishes he would.
This is the story of Arthur and the many times he wanted to kill Eames, a librarian and the historian who becomes infatuated with him, Rio, and town histories that make no sense, and Mal.
title: discovery fandom: Inception pairing: Arthur/Eames rating: NC-17. wordcount: ~14,000 words. summary: Written for this prompt over at the inception kink meme "Arthur goes to a bar with his friends to celebrate getting hired at a new job. He meets Eames, who is tattooed and unshaven, sporting a leather jacket and generally rough-looking. It's lust at first sight, because he's everything Arthur's attracted to but won't let himself have, and Arthur is giddy and low on inhibitions. They have an incredibly hot night, and Arthur does the walk of shame in the morning, swearing he'll never do it again even as he's shivering with memories. Eames is hot, but obviously a dumb thug, not up to Arthur's standards. But when Arthur shows up to work on Monday morning, Eames is his gorgeously-suited, suddenly erudite and brilliant boss. But Eames doesn't seem to remember him!". Lawyer AU.
Title: As Shallow Becomes Deep Pairing: Arthur/Eames Rating: NC-17 (warning for torture) Summary: To try and extract information, Arthur's kidnappers subject him to waterboarding.
Title: All Its Splendid Glory Fandom: Merlin Rating: R Word Count: 8,000+ Notes: Merlin/Arthur set in an alternative version of post-S1 Camelot. Not strictly canon-compliant but not radical AU either. Title from the song 'Truth' by George. Summary: In the two years and five months Merlin has known him, Arthur has been enchanted to love people he ordinarily wouldn’t nine times. Merlin simply never expects Arthur to be enchanted to love him.
Title: Showmance Recipient: sabriel75 Author: cassie_black12 Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Morgana/Leon, implied Gwen/Lance Word Count: 10,403 Warnings: None Summary: When his doctor suggested he take up a hobby to counteract his stressful lifestyle, Arthur had no idea just how big a change it would make.
Title: Little Wooden Boy and the Belly of Love Author/Artist: Anonymous Recipient: faorism Rating: NC-17 Character(s)/Pairing(s): A/M Word Count: 14K Summary: Modern AU. Arthur moves to a a different city to start a new life and become a new man. On a whim he decides to share a flat with an attractive stranger, and quickly gets drawn into Merlin's odd little world Warning(s): Mild drugs and alcohol use, pegging, mention of mental illness, transgender issues (one of the characters is pre-op ftm).
Summary: Modern day AU. When a peaceful march for the equal rights of magicians ends badly, Merlin is forced to hide out in the apartment of law student Arthur Pendragon.
Title: How We Swallow the Sun Recipient: ann7x Author:: pepperlandgirl4 Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/OFC, Merlin/Mordred Word Count: 11,700 words Warnings: Age difference (May/October), infidelity, minor character death Summary: Merlin was just sixteen when he met his best mate's new stepdad, Arthur Pendragon.
The Greedyhearts Pairings: Eames/Arthur Original prompt: Eames is a high-end thief. Arthur is a private investigator hired to catch him. Summary: Ridiculous events ensue; something like love happens somewhere along the way. (Warning for extra bad Eames spelling, haha)